The IS-LM model is a simplified economic framework used to understand how the goods market (represented by the "IS" curve) and the money market (represented by the "LM" curve) interact to determine the overall state of an economy in the short run, essentially showing the relationship between interest rates and output level at equilibrium. Key points about the IS-LM model: "IS" stands for Investment and Savings: This curve shows combinations of interest rates and output where the amount of goods produced (aggregate demand) equals the amount of goods demanded by consumers and businesses, meaning the goods market is in equilibrium. "LM" stands for Liquidity and Money: This curve shows combinations of interest rates and output where the demand for money (how much people want to hold in cash) equals the money supply set by the central bank, representing equilibrium in the money market. How it works: The IS and LM curves are plotted on a graph wit...
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